Posts Tagged ‘bruja’



The other day I was watching one of my favorite witchy movies, Practical Magic, and there was a scene when Sally, (Sandra Bullock) the aunts and a group of “witches” had to exorcise the evil spirit of a dead lover from Gillian, (Nicole Kidman). In one sceen after a successful but quick exorcism, one of the witches says out loud, to the newly formed Coven of witches. “Lets clean house!’ At this point, and although almost at the final act of the film, I lost my complete attention on the movie, my thoughts went racing, and all I could think of was, getting off my lazy culo, and darle una limpia espiritual, a esta casa. (Give the house a spiritual cleansing.)

I began to gather the necessary items needed for a thorough house cleansing. As I gathered my stuff from the cabinets and under the kitchen since, I put on my ipod and played Spanish Espiritismo and Santeria music, folkloric music of Cuba and Puerto Rico, sung to the Spirits and Saints with traditional Caribbean beats: not to be confused with Afro Cuban ritual Lukumi music, which is set to drum beats with African words. As the music played I felt, el toque espiritual surge through my vains as an overpowering rush of spiritual energy took over me, which usually happens when I have a spiritual undertaking. I remember thinking to myself. “O Cara! This will make a great post for my blogs.

I give my home a spiritual cleaning once a week (usually Sundays or Thursdays) and a quick nightly pick up every night. In Puerto Rico it is believed that a dirty house shows signs of bad character. If you want to know a person’s spiritual character or their character in general, visit their home. My abuela (grandmother) would often say one of her wise Spanish Proverbs. (Cool future blog, Abuelas words of wisdom, Spanish Proverbs) Anyways My abuela would often say. “El Porque vives en la suciedad no significa que tienes que ser sucio.” (Just because you live in dirt, don’t mean you have to act dirty). What she literally meant by this statement was, that just because one lives in poverty did not mean one had to act uneducated; but she always said this whenever she cleaned her small Puerto Rican one room wooden shack on the islands of enchantment

A constant dirty house full of clutter is the home of a person who is weak, lazy, and surrounded by negative vibrations within their life in all its shapes and forms, (IT SHOWS WEAK CHARACTER) An over messy and unkempt house shows something is deeply bothering a person, their mentality is weak and frail. Think of it this way, as we get into our golden years, we often become to sick, frail, or weak to clean our own homes, sometimes these elderly have members of the family who come and help them with their house chores, or hire a cleaner. This by no means signifies that an elderly person has negative vibrations, although in some cases it does. It simply means that they are either to old or weak to keep up with their chores. This concept of frailty and weakness can also apply to the mentally and spiritually disturbed. This also applies to the younger crowd, If you ever enter into the home of a person who is in dipression, or has a troubled mind their homes are usually messy and unkempt. Also look at a teenagers room, usually their rooms are cluttred and messy. Their every thoughts are full of growing pains, pear preasure, lost loves, school projects or exans, getting their licenses, acceptance, laziness and other issues that their minds are so boggled up with these thoughts that they fail to keep clean the single most sacred of all man made sanctuaries, a bed room.

Turn on your television and look up the t.v. program: Hoarders, these poor individual’s lives are so full of termoil, mental warfare, and spiritual negative baggages without an outlet to unleash these emotions that they often turn to collecting and keeping material junk and garbage as a means of feeling that they have some self control over their lives.

As is tradition with Creollos and Creollas, Puerto Rican Creoles of the island, I always start my cleaning in the bathroom, which is believed to be the filthiest of rooms. Then I clean my bedrooms, followed by the hallways, then I go to the living room, pick up within each and every corner and closet, then the Kitchen, placing all the dirt, dust and debris into the center of the floor and finally out the back door. (PA FUERA!). If its warm out, I open all the windows. During the time I am cleaning the house, I also make sure to change the fuentes on my altars, cleanse my statues, remove old candles, and light new ones, change dried flowers, wipe up asses from the incense burner, and discard the water of my Siempreviva (Resurrection Plant) and add fresh new water.

It is important for a Puerto Rican to clean with music. You will often see young maidens cleaning a house to baladas and boleros, and crying while cleaning, and reminiscing of a lost love, or fantasizing of a future lover. (Crying is a form of cleansing the soul.) Or you will see older stronger women cleaning to Salsa or Bachata music. I always clean with music, it helps me to untangle the thoughts that need untangling, it grounds me and helps me to focus in the matter at hand. Not only do I clean to spiritual music, but depending on my mood that particular day I also spiritually clean to bolero, salsa or a bachata, or if I am in a really good mood a tecno club song is always put into the mix, but most of the time when I am spiritually cleaning I put on my religious and spiritual music. Also I love Deva Premal and Loreena McKennitt, but I never use this type of music for cleaning the house, I use it more for, grounding and meditation or a spiritual bath after the house is nice and clean.

As is tradition I always clean using Puerto Rican products such as Fabuloso, Mistolin, “mistolin hace feliz a su nariz.” or other latino products such as Money Drawing Powerful Indian, La Madama or Chango Macho aerosol sprays, “a little luck with games of chance wount hurt.” I use incense sticks, resins alcojolado, (bay rum) household salt and florida water filled with bay leaves and basil. These products help to remove unwanted vibrations in the home, and psychic dirt that accumulates quickly. But I also use bleach, windex, fabreze and Lysol, lets face it, “cuz it is what it is” I dont only have to remove undesirable vibtations from my home, I have to get rid of them pesky germs and dirt that help in making one ill and weak in the first place.

There is no dogma or doctrines when spiritually cleaning a house. One thing that is for sure, before giving the house a spiritual cleaning, one has to give the home a physical cleaning. dirt buildup within the home attracts negative and unwanted vibrations.

During the winter and spring seasons, my floors get filthy dirty, this has to do in part from all the slush, dirt or mud brought in from the shoes of guests, friends, family members, and clients. Dirt is of the earth and has a natural absorbing energy that by nature pulls peoples emotions, feelings and aura vibrations. Once these people enter your home, they leave a bit of their energy in your home, brought in from the absorbing dirt outside, and not just their vibrations, but the countless vibrations of others who had recently walked those same paths. Outdoors in nature this energy within time is purified, cleansed, and dissipates into the earth and universe. But indoors, especially in times when we are closed in during the winter months, this energy has no where to go, and it stays stuck within the confinement of your walls. This negative energy Is similar to faint fowl odors that stay within the home or germs that survive through locked up homes during the winter seasons, as germs strive in dry air.

Also emotional vibrations stay in the house, that can cause a home to feel heavy, and lifeless. Strong emotions such as anger, fear, frustration, confusion, and other emotions linger within the crevices of the walls in the home. Emotions such as joy, love, and happiness also can stay in the home, if the home is clean, but these putative emotions do not seam to linger as long within the house as the negative emotions.

Other negative emotions that seam to linger in the home, are the feelings of others. Envy, spite, jealousy, and disdain brought in by others stay within the home, and these negative vibrations need to be removed from the home, in order for the person or family to live within the house to feel comfortable, contempt and happy.

I always highly recommend that when you move into a new apartment or home, a spiritual cleansing should be done. Usually the vibrations of the prior residents linger within the home, one never knows their character, and if these individuals where negative it is more than likely that their vibrations are in the home and will cause you, some strss.

The following ritual and prayers are for cleansing the home of unwanted vibrations. But understand, these rituals are not by no means rituals to remove evil spirits, poltergeists, demons, hauntings or ghosts or ghosts from a home. If you feel your home is haunted I highly recommend you do not go at it alone, and seek the help of a trained professional who has done various successful exorcism before. I must state that I have noticed and seen with my eyes many well respected Mediums, espiritistas, and Brujos comfuse negative vibrations within a home to that of a haunting. Let me state, that although in many cases this could be true, it is not always the case. Yes I agree that negative emotions,vibrations and a dirty house often attract confused earth bound spirits.; Think of the Law of Attraction, Like Attracts Like; but one has to be completely sure without a doubt that this is the case. If you are Seeing apperitions, hearing voices, objects moving alone, or a full on Poltergeist, I will include prayers in a future blog, but never go at it alone. More than likely an inexperienced person can aggravate the situation and make it worse.


The items below are the items one can use to spiritully cleanse a home, by no means does it signify you need all these items. Use what ever 3 items you can get your hands on.

6. INCENSE STICKS (Nag Champa my favorite)
11. A MOP

I always start my house cleaning in the farthest room from the back door, my bathroom. I begin by sprinkling every corner with sea salt, (every corner of every room gets sprinkled with the sea salt) I always usually previously pray over and empower the salt for the task at hand, but salt naturally absorbs. Then I go back into every room and sweep up all the salt into the center of my kitchen floor which is by the back door. I then return to the bathroom and sprinkle Holy water mixed with an herbal infusion all over the floors and windows, behind every door, and corner of the house. I then proceed to mop it up. I take a dry clean cloth and I wipe down all the windows and doors. I do the same procedure in every room until I get to the kitchen floor. Then I sprinkle three drops of the holy water herbal solution over the pile of salt. Making the sign of the cross as I do this. I gather the salt and place it in a brown paper bag with three coins. And place this aside. Then again for the third time (3 being a sacred and holy number) I go back to the bathroom. Sometimes I light a cigar, other times a sage wand, or a charcoal filled with incense or sage, rue and rosemary. Use which ever you feel the most comfortable with. I begin to purify the air with the smoke as I simultaneously sprinkle or spray the air with a light mist of Florida water.Make sure to keep the florida water away from the sparks of the cigar or flames as it is flamable. Use precaution. As I do this I recite one of the prayers below, or a psalm (look up psalms in my blog) or sing my spiritual songs, again use the players and songs that are more comfortable to you. What’s the point of spiritually cleaning a house if you don’t agree or believe in a what you are saying. I fumigate every room with the smoke until again I am at the kitchen. Then I fumigate my self with the smoke, and extinguish the cigar or incense cone or charcoal with the holy water solution. And place it into the bag. I pass the brown paper bag through my body, as I recite the Our Father and Hail Mary. This helps to clean your aura. I toss the liquid out the back door, and the brown bag I place into a dumpster outside or away from my home. I go in, light a white 7 day candle, and enjoy an herbal tea with a nice cleansing bath.

There are times when I want to perform a quick house cleansing, this I do by purchasing a coconut, covering completely with white cascarilla powder that I purchase at a Botanica and with a broom I pass it through every room. Until I get to the back door and through it on the pavement the broken coconut I pick up and place into a brown bag and clean my aura. Also I often sprinkle the front door and back door with salt and holy water as this in itself creates a small barrier in keeping unwanted vibrations from entering into the home. Camphor cubes also help in removing negative vibrations. I put a cube under the corners of my couches or under my bed. Or in a glass goblet of water, be careful with young children or pets getting into your camphor and thinking its an eatable treat, its not.


General House Cleansing and Blessing Prayers.


“God lives within me, so that I may bless and purify this home with Peace, Patience, and Love. God is present everywhere, and his unconditional love will conquer the shadows that bring fear. This Home is blessed and purified with the mystic white light. Its walls, floors, corridors, ceilings, Windows and doors shall be filled with Harmony, Peace, and Faith. Because God lives, and within me he shall bless this home. So be it, Amen.”


Yo (n.n.) purifico a este hogar. Y por todas partes que yo vaye con este humo sagrado (agua bendita) Yo libero el ambiente de todos los Corrientes y Fluidos Malignos, visible e invisible.
Y por la gracia de Dios Todopoderoso, (n.n.) sera libre de todo peligro; visto y sin ser visto.
En el Sagrado Nombre de Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, y Dios Espiritu Santo. Asi sea, Amen.

“I (n.n.) purify this sacred home. And where ever I go with this sacred smoke, (Holy Water) I will free this environment of all malignant currents and fluids, seen and unseen.
And by the Grace of God, (name of person or family) shall be free of all danger, visible and invisible.
In the Holy Name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. So Be It. Amen.’

How a Puerto Rican works Magic

I have been getting alot of emails, some from members of the Sanse Espiritismo group, others from my blogs and random client, on what items I use, or Puerto Rican espiritistas and brujos use in Trabajos de Obra. (Magical work). Let me say that all the items I use I find in my cabinets in the kitchen, or in a Catholic religious supply shop or botanica.

My house can not go without these 8 following items.

1. Holy Water,
2. Florida water
3. Candles any kind even tee lites.
4. Spring water
5. Nag champa incense. The one I use the most, or frankincense and myrhh. Or sandalwood.
6. a bible.
7., olive oil.
8. Salt. My grandmother would often say. “Que Falte todo en la casa, menos la Sal. (May everything in the house be missing, with the exception of Salt) Every salt imaginable, epsum salt, kosher salt, sea salt, rock salt, and table salt.

I use the psalms in the bible for everything, as there is a psalms for every causa (spiritual problem) or magical under taking imaginable. I also use, Allan Kardecs book on Selected Prayers, when performing a seance. Also as a Brujo / espiritista, I use every ingredient in the house imaginable, and every almost every item I purchase at a local food market, or Spanish bodega. Sugar, honey, pepper, vinegar, fruits, vegetables, coconuts eggs, cinnamon sticks, mustard seeds, and herbs which I purchase in jars, or even herbal tea bags. I try to buy bulk on Rompe Zaraguey, reserection plant; or mate tea for healing infusions when I go to New York, or Boston, but most I buy in local markets. Such as chamomile, mint, anise seeds, star anise, bay leaves and affordable 7 day saints candles I get at the Hispanic.section.

I prepar most of my working oils with a baby oil, or use plain old Olive oil. Most of the magic I perform is traditional Puerto Rican folk magic, and as such I use items my abuela (grandmother) and aunt taught me. Almost every item in the house can be used for magic, from nails, spare change, to crayons, glitter, brown paper bags,and old wine bottles, everything imaginable with the exception of plastic, or other man made materials.

One must have an understanding of the items in their house and the magical properties. But with one’s faith, intent, anything can be used. If you have any questions feel free to ask or visit me at my yahoo groups. Sanse Espiritismo.

Brujo Luis.

THE 21 Courtes / Commisiones of Spirits in Puerto Rican Espiritismo

Las 21 Commisiones Espirituales del Espiritismo Puertoriqieno.

In Puerto Rican Espiritismo, there exists various Courts or Gathering Groups of Spirits known collectively as Las Commisiones. This group of spirits are part of an individuals Cuadro Espiritual, “spiritual frame” and make up a cadena espiritual, “spiritual chain” or Enlace,Espiritul “Spiritual link,” with a person. On an Espiritista’s tableau (altar) one will often see statutes or framed photos of Saints, Angels, pagan gods, indigenous spirits, Asian and Hindu gods, gypsies, spiritual animals, or mythical creatures all sharing a space on one altar. This makes up that particular Espiritistas, Cuadro Espiritul. But with one central piece usually being the largest, and that one being the Guia Espiritual. Or the larger can be a Guardian Angel, or an aspect of the Virgin Mary or a Saint, with a smaller statue of the Guia Espiritual towards the right side of the larger. One thing to note while a Principle Guide can often share space on a tableau. A Saint or a guardian angel should never be placed on a Fuente Espiritual. A fuente espiritual, “spiritual fountain” is an altar dedicated in the memory of Ancestral Spirits. Similar to an Afro Cuban Santeria boveda. My next blog will be on the Fuente Espiritual, the tableau altar and the Mesa Blanca.

Although I mention 21, there are more, these listed here are the Commisiones that work la obra de la Luz, the Way of the Light, and work for the Sancista and the Espiritista; in Obras espirituales “Spiritual Work” usually for the greater good of the person, “working with them” and the community. But can also be used in protection, fighting Spiritual warfair, and healing. They also work in helping a person with the development of their faculties, spiritual work, spell casting,amenities, spiritual growth, bestowing insightful messages, answer and solutions to every day problems, just to name a few things they can do

Every human has one, two and sometimes three or more of these Spiritual Forces that make up an individuals Cuadro Espiritual. But with one being a person’s central Guia Principal. (Principle Guide). You will often hear an Espiritista when giving a consultation or santiguando / limpia “a spiritual cleansing” say to an individual. You have a Cadena with a Gypsi, or a Marinero, or that a Madama follows you. Or that the person has an Indian Spirit that walks with him / her. Or that the person is spiritually married to a Cacique Indian, or even has a strong Spiritual link with a Congo Spirit. One thing is for certain each individual has a Patron Saint and a Guardian Angel that is part of the individuals Spiritual Frame and also a Principle Guide. The trained Espiritista can determine from the group of Commisiones which one is a person’s Guia Principal (Principle Guide) through a Spiritual Mass or Seance, in which the Guia Principal will be the first spirit to manifest and mount the Espiritista or try and take possession of a person head through a Baptismal ceremony, and therefor claiming that persons head. Other ways of determining ones Guia Principal, can be done through divination, while under a trance, or through dreams. While an Espiritista determines which is a persons Guia Primcipal, they also can determine a persons Partron Saint or Angel de la Guarda, (Guardian Angel) in the same manner. Through a Misa Espiritual “Spiritual Mass,” a Sesion “seance” or baptismal.” Although a Patron Saints and a Guardian Angel can be determined in the same manner, they can also be determined by analyzing a persons family lineage, or the day a person was born to see if it correlates to the day of a Patron Saint, or Guardian Angel.

The belief in past lives and Reincarnation play a pivotal and major role in Espiritismo. The spirits are a chain or link to a persons past life and not only can they be Guias Principales but also can be either a lover, or a spouse from a past life, an ancient ancestral spirit, a departed family member, or even the culture or race the person was in a past life.

Usually the person has strong qualities or traits of the Guia Principal, that is often compared to that of astrology and the zodiac. For example, if the individual is flirtatious or loves to dance and dress in extravagant clothing, a Espiritista will say, they have a gypsi spirit with them. Or the person loves to go fishing, enjoys the sea or could be a bit of a kleptomaniac, the person has a spiritual link or chain with a pirate spirit. Or an adult person has a mischievous nature, enjoys pranks, and often gets into trouble they have an Infantil. During a seance, fiesta espiritual or a spiritual mass, the person mounted by a spirit will display traits of that particular spirit. Note that it is not unheard of, that two spirits from the Commision are at odds and fighting for a persons head, and trying to be the main Principle Guide. When this happens, the person shows traits of both spirits.

There are Comisiones also that do harm, bring upon illness, diseases, mental problems, disorder and financial difficulties to name a few of the calamities to a person. This group of spirits are our own inner demons. This group of spirits has a link with an individual usually trying to find justice from a wrong or an injustice done unto them, from a past life, seek payment from a past dept, or dealing with a past life curse.
1. COMMISIONES DE CHAMANES, BRUJOS, YERBATEROS, TRABAJADORES ESPIRITUALES. – They aid in magic, herbalism, healing, visions, knowledge of omens,
Offerings – Aguardiente, black unsweetened coffee.
Candle – Green, Brown

2. COMMISIONES DE GITANOS AND GITANAS. – Gypsies, They aid in Divination, Fortune Telling, palmistry, love, and passion. Offerings – Crystals, tarot cards, playing cards, Aguardiente Liquor. Cigarettes.
Candle – Red, Black

3. COMMISIONES DE MADAMAS Y MADAMOS – Negra Thomasa, Nego Jose. They are the care takers, those that aid in the home, and protection of the family and children.
Offerings – Corn Meal, okra, coffee, cigars
Candle colors – Red or white.

4. COMMISIONES DE PIRATAS Y MARINEROS. – Roberto Cofresí Ramirez de Arellano / el pirata Capitan Confresi, Capitan Henry Morgan. They symbolize courage, strength, fearless hearts, overcoming adversity.
Offering. Rum, sugarcane, cigars.
Color Candles. Red, black, white.

5. COMMISIONES DE INDIOS Y CACIQUES. – Los Tainos. The Buhuitihu, They aid in Spiritual warfair, judicial matters, patience, searching, aiding one in finding wisdom and knowledge of pre-Columbian spirits and Spiritual forces.
Offerings – tobacco, black coffee, corn meal. Candle – Blue, Yellow.

6. COMMISIONES DE LOS ORIENTALES. El Buddha, Guanyin. They aid in money matters, luck, the lottery, luck in love, financial gain, and better business
Offering – Citrus fruits, incense. Candle – pink, red.

7. COMMISIONES DE LOS ARABES. – They aid with the Wisdom of the magical forces of the Djjinn Offering garbanzo beans, garlic, flat bread, Olive Color Candles. Green and Black. oil.

8. COMMISIONES MEDICAS / SANTIGUADORES / CURANDERA. – Jose Gregorio Hernandez They aid in all health matters, healing, finding a cure. Medacine and herbalism. Offering – herbal teas of all sorts. Candle, white. yellow.

9. COMMISIONSES DE LOS CONGOS. – Pa Francisco, Ma Francisca. The Congo Spirits are that group of Spirits who in Africa where Kings, Queen, of Royal heritage or important nobile figures in Africa but where slaves in the Americas. Pai Fransisco, Mai Fransisca, el Congo and La Kongas. They aid in Black Magic, defending against occult enemies and protection.
Offerings – Cigars, Rum, okra, corn meal, tobacco and coffee
Candle Color – Black,Brown, Orange, and Purple .

10. COMMISIONES DE LOS SANTOS. The Saints all have their own attributes.
Each saint has its own color candle and offering.

11. COMMISIONES DE LOS HINDU. – Hindu The wisdom of the Hindu Gods. 7 multi color candle.

Each Angel has their own Color Candle and offering. White.

13. COMMISIONES DE LOS ESCLAVOS. Negra Amparo, Negro Felipe, Negro Jose, Negra Elena. They aid in courage, obstacles, hard work, and patience.
Offering – same as Madama and Congo Candle – White Purple,

14. COMMISIONES DE LOS INFANTILES. Nino Divino, Nino de Atocha. This group of spirits are tricksters, who play pranks on humans, But can be very protective.
Offerings – coins, candy, toys, sweets. Candle, yellow, orange.

15 COMMISIONES DE LAS BENDITA ANIMAS Y ANIMA SOLAS. – Juan Minero, Maria Celestina Abdegano, Fransisca Durante. These Spirits will aid you in any undertaking as long as you offer them prayers, and light.
Offering – Holy Water, Ice cubes, any liquor or drink to quench their thirst.
Candle – Red Black

16. COMMISIONES DE LIBERTADORA. -This group aids you in wisdom, study, and court trials, freedom and liberation.
Offering – Brandy, Cigars.
Color – White, Yellow.

17. COMMISIONES DE LOS VAGABUNDOS, Y BOHEMIOS. – This group aids in poetry, written letters, music. Offerings, toast, bread or crackers. Candle, Brown, Green.

18. COMMISIONES DE LOS HEROES Y LIDERS. – This group of spirits aid you in battles of all kinds.
Candle, White.

19. COMMISIONES AFRICANA. – Spirits that followed Los Misterios in life, the Orisha , Nikisi, and Lwa. They are the messengers of the Misterios and when they come down will show many characteristics of the Orisha and Lwa.
Offering – each spirit has his/her own preferable offering.
7 Color Candle.

20. COMMISIONES ELEMENTALES. – Cuatro Vientos. Maria de los Cuatro Costales. This group of spirits fall under the four cardinal points, spirits of the Four Elements.
Each element has its own color and offering.

21. COMMISIONES DE LOS JUANES Y LAS MARIAS. – Juan Negro, Juan Indio Juan del Tabacco. Maria de la Luz. This group kept the.secreats knowlwdge and wisdom of their people hidden and alive for future generations, and will aid you. In life they where not born with the name Juan or Maria, but where changed buy their white masters or because of religion.

Que los Muertos, los Seres, los Antepasados y los Misterios te Bendiga, en el nombre de Dios. Brujo Luis

This list is not complete but a ruff draft of the Spiritual latter, or PYRAMID as followed by Puerto Rican Sanse and Espiritismo Puerto Riqueno,



3. PURE SPIRITS. PURE ETERNALS, SUPREME ENTITIES, Seraphins, Cherabins, Dominions, Thrones.


5. Asended Masters, The Higher Self, The Great Prophets,Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Muhammad

6. Arch Angels, Michael, Rafael, Gabriel, Auriel.

7. Saints, Forces of Nature, Spirits of Nature.

8. Guardian Angels

9. Protective Spirits, Spirit Guides, Ancestors.

10. Court of Great Heroes and Leaders.

11. Higher Demons

12. Lower Demons

13.,Dark Spirits, Earth Bound Spirits, Intranquil spirits, lonely souls, Anima Solas, Ghosts.Aperitions

14. Humans

What does the word Sanse mean?

The word Sanse or its variations Zancie, Zance, Sanses or Sances , has its roots and originates from the Spanish word Sesion, which translates in English to Seance. A practitioner of Sanse, male and female is known as a Sancista or a Sancero “male” Sancera “female”, He/she that follows the Spiritism Mesa Blanca tradition of Puerto Rico, and works the white Seance table. The spanish word for Spiritist is Espiritista and they follow Espiritismo. Although the two words in Puerto Rico and for Puerto Ricans in the mainland of the States, use the words Sanse and Espiritista interchangeably. It must be noted that while practitioners of Sanse practice Espiritismo, that by no means “means” that all who practice Espiritismo, practice Sanse. Unlike Spiritists from around the world, that work only with communicating with Spirits. In Puerto Rico as well as in the mainland where Puerto Ricans call home. Sanse Espiritismo is similar to Brazilian ‘Umbanda” and Venezuelan “Tres 3 Potencias Espiritismo’. The Sancista / Espiritista work with communicating with Spirits, folk saints, healing, folk magic, brujeria, herbalism, divination, and fortune telling. Many will say Sanse is an “A.T.R.” African Traditional Religion, but I can not completely agree with this theory. Although some of the Spirits respected and traditions are of African origin, many are European, and Indigenous.

The 10 Levels of Spirits that a Puerto Rican Sancista Espiritista can manifest.

1. Espiritus Ilustrados: (The Enlightened Ones) Enlightened Spirits. Spirits of Perfection, Intellectually superior, pure in feeling, universal harmony. This group of spirits are closest to God, and are never influenced by material things.

2. Espiritus Superiores: (The Superiors) These spirits transmit morality, wisdon, scientific knowledge, universal laws, and mysteries of the universe. These Spirits only manifest themselves through a Medium in missions of pure enlightenment and good.

3. Espiritus Prudentes: ( The Prudent) Wise and judicious. They manifest themselves with morality but with limited wisdom.

4., Espiritus Sapiente: ( The Sapiens) Great wisdom and sound judgment, great advice, but limited scientific wisdom.

5. Espiritus Benevolos: (The Benevolent Ones) High level of morality, and ethics. They manifest for the greater good of the medium but hold limited wisdom.

6. Espiritus Perturbado: (The Perturbers) Disturbed, disquiet, and agitated spirits. This group of spirits are deranged and manifest disorder.

7. Espiritus Neutrales: (The Neutrals) This group of spirits are neither benevolent nor malevolent. They easily manifest themselves by material objects, and can be as badly natured as they are good. These spirits are usually bantering in nature, but easily agitated.

8. Espiritus Falsos: (The False Instructors) This Group of Spirits manifest as all knowing, but usually give false, untrue, and ignorant information.

9. Espiritus Fantasmas: (The Ghosts) Ignorant and mocking, this group of spirits clings to the material world. Some have an evil nature and feed of the energy of fear in humans. Others are spirits who clung to the material world because of a traumatic experience during life, and are unable to go into the light with out the aid of a Sanse Espiritista.

10. Espiritus Impuros Intranquilos (The Impure Intranquil) Malevolent spirits, full of hatred and grudges. of Spirits are wondering souls that are known as poltergeists, they manifest themselves as imperceptible and unpredictable entities. They have the strength because of their pure rage to move inanimate objects, impaired knocking, pounding or banging) and, on many occasions can physically attack the living.

Although I had gone to Puerto Rico and have returned to the island since, The year I spent under the care of my abuela and aunts and uncles was a pivotal moment in the growth of my Spiritual Faculties. I was to share my time with both sides of the family, my mother’s side which where predominantly Catholic or Pentecostal, and my father’s side which on Sundays practiced Catholicism, but during the rest of the week practiced Espiritismo, Mesa Blanca and Brujeria. My abuela at the time was in her mid 70s, and much up in years to perform the mundane tasks of enrolling a now 8 year old boy into school and buying the materials needed, so that she could sew the required school uniforms. So she enrolled my Tia “aunt” Maria to perform these tasks. Tia Maria my father’s eldest sister, a woman at the time, in her late 30s was a beautiful woman of olive skin, long black hair, and the high cheak bones and pronounced nose that told of her Taino indigenous heritage. As a grown up, I often think why my younger brother and sister and I had none of these features that where so prominent in my father’s side of the family. We had inherited my mother’s Spanish / Castilian, and German pale skin and European features.
Tia Maria lived in Comerio as my abuela, but while my abuela lived in a rural valley of Rio Hondo, my Tia’s house was located in the Pueblo, off the town’s square. Every other friday my Tia Maria and her husband would come and pick me up so that I could spend the weekends with her.

This often worried my abuela, for she practiced traditional Puerto Rican Espiritismo, as was taught to her by her mother and mother before her, since the beginning of time. My abuela practiced Mesa blanca, and was also, a Santiguadora “Puerto Rican Curandera” and well versed in healing with herbs, and told fortunes. But although my Tia Maria was an Espiritista, she was also known to practice Brujeria, she was a Bruja, a female witch.

While my abuela had two altars in her house. One in honor of her virgin, Nuestra Senora de la Divina Providencia, which was kept in her bedroom. On her bureau stood the large statue of Our Lady of the Divine Providence, her rosaries, the bible and a white new candle always lit, and a vase full of fresh Puerto Rican Hibiscus, “Flor de maga”. While the other altar was her Fuente Espiritual. This altar was in the living room and was a simple corner table, covered in a white cloth, with a large clear glass bowl of Holy Water, “her Fuente”, an altar bell, a bottle of Florida Water and bay rum, an old prayer book by the French Spiritist Alan Kardec, her old spanish fortune telling cards, white candle and a vase with Miramelindas and Margaritas that she would pick from her flower garden. On the wall directly above the altar was a culage of old pictures of dead relatives, and friends. My aunts altars where more elaborate.

Once you entered into my Tia Maria’s house by the door on the left-hand side of the floor stood a cement statue with a face carved out and cowrie shells that made up the facial features. Next to this cement statue was a large figurine of the Child of Atocha. On the right-hand side of the entrance, was a large statue planter of an African Mamie, that held a basket on her head. Within the basket flourished, Mimosas flowers, my aunts favorite flowers. At first glance and if one was not to notice these figures in the entrance of the house one would not identify this house as that of a Brujas. The living room had plastic covered couches, and across from the living room was the dinning room, a large table with 8 chairs, and above it a large cloth picture that portrayed The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. Unlike my abuela’s two bedroom wooden and metal roof house that was much smaller, and more of a shack than a house, my Tia Maria’s house was much more spacious and comfortable and made of cement to ward of the strong unbearable heat of the Caribbean sun. Having five bedrooms, and an indoor bathroom.with running water. “my abuela had an out house” Each bedroom.had a small night stand, converted altar to a different saint. The fourth bedroom which was the furthest to the front door and the largest of all the rooms, and directly next to the back door, and another smaller bedroom across from it, the larger room was her altar room. In this room a large statue of an American Indians stood side by side with statues of Buddhas, gypsies, African gods, and pictures of hindu gods, and other Catholic saints.

The room was well lit by candles, and across from the entrance to the room stood a large altar with a large statue of Santa Barbara and San Miguel. Below these two statues in the center stood an old spanish copy of The Great Book of San Cyprian, Treasure of the Wizard. The altar was full of bottles of Bacardi, Palo Viejo rum and aguardiente. An assortment of miniature bottles of perfumes, and candles, bottles of Kananga, water, ruda water, bay rum and florida water. The altar cloth was black and red. On the other altar stood an altar with four chairs besides it. This altar had a white cloth as my abuelas, but the border was outlined with cloth handkerchiefs of various colors. On the altar in small wooden chairs sat two 14 inch black figures fully dressed in cloth clothing. Both the statues held a half smoked cigar. Which frightened me, because I oftened wondered that when no one was looking if these statutes lit their own cigars. Below the statue not one, like my abuelas, but 9 goblets of water one larger which was surrounded by the 8 smaller. Within the large goblet was a silver crusifix, and upon the altar stood the familiar book of players as my abuelas. The altar room had many vases with expensive flowers such as red and white roses, marigolds and orchards. Unlike my abuela’s flowers that she picked from her garden or in the forrest, my Tia’s flowers looked like they had come from an expensive florist shop. The room across the altar room which also over looked the back veranda and garage, was a smaller bed room which was to be my sleeping quarters during my visits to my Tia’s house.

The veranda which overlooked the garage was large and had a large table and many folded chairs. The veranda led to a connected open area with three steps leading to the garage. Behind the veranda was wooded area. This is where my Tia Maria performed her weekly Misas and Seanses.

Following blog. The Sorceres Eyes.